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Who’s on the Team?
Neal Linkon

Neal Linkon is the Assistant Director of Internet Marketing for Northwestern Mutual, focusing on search engine optimization and marketing, and the use of social media. Prior to joining Northwestern Mutual, he was Senior Vice President of Greystone.Net, a consulting firm specializing in Web and social media strategies for hospitals and health systems. He has held management positions for companies like Motorola, Lockheed Martin, Johnson Controls and International Paper, focusing on interactive marketing since 1995.

He spent two years at an interactive agency doing online marketing for companies like Pfizer, Kellogg's and the NFL. Prior to joining Greystone.Net, he was responsible for Aurora Health Care's web sites. Sites he has managed have won numerous honors from various organizations including "best overall web site," "best interactive site," "best site design" and "best eBusiness site." He currently is on the Marketing Steering Committee for the University of Wisconsin E-Business Consortium.


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