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Strategic Positioning
Quality Initiatives
New Business Development
Operational Improvement
Telecom Selection / Optimization
Clinical Education and Training
Sales and Marketing Services
New Business Development

Call center managers are frequently asked to add new services. An exciting request, if there were ‘free time’ to do proper research, planning and staff training. 3CT can offer the dedicated staff to complete the investigation, design, process development and evaluation criteria for a successful and timely implementation. We can supply the “leg-up” in starting a new venture.

You might be Asking:

  • They want us to do _X_: where do I start?
  • What are the critical success factors for this service?
  • How do we structure disease management to be cost effective?



“Sherry offers invaluable insights into call center market trends and operations, as well as clinical practice. Her timely, practical and actionable input has been critical to development of our most recent evidence-based product for the hospital call center market. I look forward to working with her on the next phase of this project.”
Amy Birney, MPH, MCHES
Research Scientist
Eugene, OR